05 Data Explorer

Last modified by jm Mahl on 2024/03/05 13:36


The data explorer shows you all collected data in tabular format. There is a separate explorer for each data type. Currently there are the following data types: profiles, postings, media, chat messages, comments and locations.

The table below describes the individual components of the Data Explorer in more detail.


Overview of the data explorer

Component (number in image)Description
1Menu to switch between the home screen, data collection, different data types, and dashboard pages. The numbers above the data types indicate how much data was collected in each case.
2Overview of all networks for which data has been collected for the currently selected data type. Cross Network shows the collected data in all networks.
3Buttons for interacting with the collected data. The vertical lines separate the different interaction types: Tagging, Data Pools, Data Collection, Account Linking, Analytics, Data Export and Delete.
4Table with all collected data, of the currently selected data type and network. This data can be interacted with and filters can be applied to see only certain data.
5Buttons for searching and filtering data, as well as showing and hiding columns.