Create User

Last modified by Benno Krause on 2024/07/05 22:02

To create a user, click on "Register new user. Then the following information is required:

  • First Name The first name is displayed to all users.
  • Last Name The last name is displayed to all users.
  • Email Address The email address is necessary for sending notifications. It is not displayed publicly.
  • Username The username is required for logging into SNH-Titan Enterprise.
  • Function (optional) The function (job title) can be set for better user identification. It is not a mandatory field.
  • Password The password used for the login process.
  • Profile Picture (optional)


  • Role There are currently two different user roles that differ in terms of assigned rights.
    • Default User The Default User is the standard user of SNH Titan. They can create their own projects, collect data, perform analyses, and export data.
    • Administrator The Administrator has all user rights and, in addition, full configuration rights for SNH Titan. They can see all projects and all contents. Moreover, they can create and delete users.
